The successful defense of an investigation or a criminal prosecution requires strategic planning, creative thinking, and tactical expertise both inside and outside of the courtroom.
From the biggest white collar cases to the largest criminal investigation in the history of the United States (the 9/11 case), Jason Wright has the experience, courage, and integrity to fight for due process and fair trial rights in some of the most complex legal cases of our day:
Mr. Wright’s recent matters include:
- Represented the former chief financial officer of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP in a four month securities fraud trial, a Law 360 “2017 White Collar Case to Watch.” (People v. Sanders, et al., 773/2014, New York County 2017) (Of Counsel with Andrew J. Frisch).
- Represent an oil and gas brokerage firm as litigation and compliance counsel on matters relating to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), OFAC, and import-export controls.
- Represent a $3B multi-national corporation in the food protein industry in defense of U.S. government investigations.
- Represent an Asian financial services company in defense of an investigation conducted by the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Agency.
- Represent and defend author and journalist Paula Broadwell’s First Amendment rights in defense of allegations by the Department of Defense that she mishandled classified information in connection with her New York Times best-seller book, All In: The Education of General David Petraeus.
- Represent a high-ranking government employee in a wide-scale, national security-related grand jury investigation directed by the Department of Justice in coordination with the CIA and related DoD intelligence agencies within the Eastern District of Virginia.
- Represent the former chief financial officer of Madoff Investment Securities on appeal to the Supreme Court. (U.S. v. Bonventre, No. 16-6800, 2016) (Of Counsel with Andrew J. Frisch).
- Represented the hedge fund founder of Westgate Capital in a $300 million Ponzi schemeon appeal to the Supreme Court. (U.S. v. James Nicholson, No. 15-1241 (2016) (Of Counsel with Andrew J. Frisch).
- Represent a trader on appeal from the Securities and Exchange Commission to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals to challenge a lifetime ban for stock parking. (Gonella v. SEC, 16-3433, 2nd Cir., 2016) (Of Counsel with Andrew J. Frisch).
- Represent the daughter of the former president of Guatemala to challenge a U.S. government foreign seizure in Europe of $3 million. (U.S. v. Portillo ex. rel. Padua, 09-cr-1142, S.D.N.Y., 2016) (Of Counsel with Andrew J. Frisch).
- Retained as a consultant by Elizabeth Macedonio for the acquitted, alleged Bonanno member for the ~$19 million Lufthansa Heist (aka the “GoodFellas Case”) (U.S. v. Asaro, 14-cr-26, E.D.N.Y., 2014).
- Served as a defense consultant for famed death penalty defense attorney Judy Clark in the Boston Marathon attack. (U.S. v. Tsarnaev, 13-cr-10200, D. Mass, 2014).