Jason Wright has a keen understanding of international law, he teaches it at a top-tier law school, and has travelled extensively for case investigations and diplomatic-military concerns in Europe and throughout the Middle East, to include Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, and the Kurdish Regional Government’s semi-autonomous provinces.
Educated at Oxford with an advanced law degree in international law and with deep connections to power players in international law, international criminal law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law/laws of war, Jason Wright is recognized as a top lawyer in matters involving international law.
Mr. Wright’s recent matters include:
- Retained by the foreign minister of a government to develop a legal claim to prevent U.S.-based fundraising activities used to support acts of terrorism against the foreign government (2017)
- Won a federal trial in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (“Rocket Docket”) on human rights grounds in defense of a case brought by a “School of the Americas” CIA-trained El Salvadoran military colonel under the Hague Child Abduction Convention. This case new precedent within the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. (Velasquez v. de Velasquez, No. 14-cv-1688, E.D.V.A., 2015).
- Developed a legal claim for a foreign corporation to enforce judgment in excess of $1 billion in U.S. district courts against a foreign head of state under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA).
- Consulted on anti-terrorism legislation in Somalia for a U.S. Department of State funded international development organization (2016).
- Selected to serve on a U.N. Panel directed by the Special Rapporteur for Counter-Terrorism to study the legal implications on the use of drones (Jan. 2014).
- Consulted on several cases before the International Criminal Court for both the prosecution and the defense (2014 – 2016).
- Consulted for the defense in the Radovan Karadzic trial before the International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia (2014 - 2016).
- Consulted for the Office of the President for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (2016).
- Developed a novel demobilization, demobilization, and reintegration plan (i.e. amnesty) for Iraqi insurgents in Northern Iraq (2008).
- Planned the military operation to provide support to the Iraqi Provincial Elections (2008).